Sunday, February 5, 2012

10 ways to change the world without leaving the covers (mostly)

I posted this on a friend's facebook wall the other day, but then I thought "why not make a blog post out of

A lot of these ideas came from the book 365 Ways to Change the World by Michael Norton.

10 things you can do to change the world without leaving the covers:

(1) visit 

(2) play and feed people with your brilliance

(3) Read a write a letter to your Congress people about a cause close to
your heart 

(4) Go to and click to feed a hungry person
(5) write Talley a love poem
(6) go to and learn the skills of internet
(7) write a 10-minute play that is about something so utterly
 ridiculous/controversial/absurd/deadly dull that 
people won't stop talking about it for days
(8) get someone to do a Tarot reading for you (it's not occult; it's just guided therapy and just makes you
think a lot about yourself as a person) 
(9) share a link to an article that really peaks your interest
(10) buy yourself a present from a fair trade website. I suggest